Legal notice

Information about the company

This website is published by Compagnie Financière et de Participations Roullier (CFPR):
Limited company with board of directors and supervisory board with a capital of €12,181,467
RCS Saint-Malo – SIREN: 313 642 548.

Intra-Community VAT number: FR 11 313 642 548
Headquarters: 27, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt – 35400 Saint-Malo.
Tel: – Fax:

Credits is the official address of the CFPR website. 

Publication director: Jorge BOUCAS.

Publication manager : Sophie BIGAIGNON



Simplified joint-stock company with sole shareholder and capital of €10,000,000 RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
APE (classification of economic activities) code 6202A
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
Publication director: Octave Klaba

Advice / Creation / Development

Photographic credits

Marc Josse / Emmanuel Pain / Jean-Pierre Meignan / Fotolia / IStock

Applicable law - Competent jurisdiction

This legal information and the general terms of use are subject to French law.

Any dispute that may occur in relation to the use of this website or its content shall be brought before the competent courts for CFPR’s registered office.

Website general terms of use

Anyone who accesses the CFPR website ( (hereinafter “the Website”) undertakes to respect these terms of use.

Any person consulting the Website (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) is responsible for the data that they give out, use and/or transfer, and in this respect they undertake to comply with current French regulations, in particular those relating to manifestly illegal content (lewd conduct, inciting racial hatred, paedophilia, etc.) or the protection of the rights of third parties (intellectual property rights, etc.). CFPR is not responsible for the use of data or content circulated by another person and which, in particular, does not respect current regulations.

Placing a hypertext link to the Website requires prior written authorisation from CFPR, which may not in any circumstance be held responsible for external hypertext links to the Website and accepts no responsibility for their content and use.

Respecting intellectual property rights

The presentation and content of the website together constitute a work protected by current copyright, intellectual property, and industrial property laws. Names or trade names, logos, and brands are the property of their creator and are registered or protected as such. Any creation appearing on the Website; drawings, photographs, images, texts, animated sequences with sound or not, and other represented documentation, are subject to copyright, industrial and/or intellectual property rights and are, as appropriate, the property of CFPR or third parties having authorised CFPR’s use of them.

No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, or marketing, in full or in part of these elements (including downloadable or copiable content) may be made without the prior written consent of CFPR, with the exception of being for private use subject to different or even more restrictive provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.

In addition to copyright, violation of any of these industrial and/or intellectual property rights is an offense which may result in imprisonment and a fine.

Technical, security and internet usage requirements

Although the Website is optimised for use on the majority of devices and on the most up-to-date internet browsers, CFPR does not guarantee the proper functioning of the Website on the User’s specific device. The User is informed of the risks and technical difficulties inherent to internet usage and computer usage in general, which are outside the control of the CFPR and may result in :
  • The inability to access the Website, slow service, software or hardware incompatibilities ;
  • the loss, misappropriation or contamination of data, in particular due to a virus.
The User undertakes to not partake in any technical activities that could jeopardise the integrity, security or availability of the Website, and in particular undertakes not to study the source code or reverse engineer it. In any case, CFPR shall not be held liable for the risks and difficulties detailed above and their consequences for the User.

Absence of guarantee

CFPR makes no claims and provides no guarantees as to the completeness or accuracy of any information contained on the Website and expressly does not accept any obligation to update such information. Additionally, CFPR assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Website’s content. Everything on the Website is “as is” and “as available”. All information on the Website, including technical, legal, and regulatory information, is purely indicative and shall in no event render CFPR liable.

Limitation of liability

The user uses the Website at their own risk. Under no circumstances shall CFPR or its employees be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including in particular material damage, loss of data or financial damage resulting from access to or use of the Website or any linked sites. The content of the Website is without any guarantee whatsoever. Information given on the Website is given for informational purposes only and should not be considered as constituting a contractual offer of services or products from CFPR or its employees.

Website unavailability

CFPR may temporarily or permanently interrupt access to the Website, in particular for legal, technical or maintenance reasons. CFPR may not be held liable for any form of Website unavailability, whether temporary or permanent, and for any reason whatsoever. CFPR is also not responsible for any possible errors or failures inherent to the information system. Specifically, CFPR may not be held responsible for transmission time frames, data transmission reliability, access times or potentially access restrictions on specific networks and/or servers connected to the internet. Date updated: 08/07/2019